Click on an image above, to review prototype screenshots, concept and architecture diagrams


We imagined a world where an individual and their caretakers could have greater peace of mind through deeper insight into their current health state. There would be no need to maintain a written log of medical device readings, chart them manually, and scan/fax this information with someone who needs access.

  • What if an individual with atrial fibrillation could take a basic reading of their heart rhythm anytime, anywhere, and share it digitally with their caregivers near real time?

  • What if the medical staff / caretakers, could follow the health of an individual for a time period, by having fine grain, quantified insights into their current state, regardless of the combination of devices used?

  • Perhaps then, better decisions could be made about preventative care, based on the person’s body signals.

  • Perhaps, decision support could then be enhanced over time through machine learning and regular interpretation of the signals coming in

  • No more faxing, inconsistent and minimal medical readings (lack of evidence), inaccurate extrapolation, or waiting for data to become available

To prove out the viability of the concept, a fellow engineer and I envisioned, designed and prototyped an Android app to gather bio-signal data from an EKG device and pass it on to the AWS cloud, pushing notifications to subscribed users if any metrics were out of line. This would complete an end-to-end flow.

  • Initial goal was to prove a functional end-to-end workflow for a single use-case

  • The longer term idea was to evolve the project into a cloud-based physiological monitoring solution for a wide range of devices

  • Awarded grants for development through proposals to the Mozilla Ignite (NSF sponsored) competition and a BU School of Management competition

  • Technologies used: Android (v 4), Amazon Web Services (SQS, SNS, EC2, S3)

  • Toolkit: Eclipse, Github, Justinmind

Project site still available here

GitHub Repo

TechCrunch - Sept 2012
National Science Foundation - Brainstorming Round Winner
Mozilla Blog - Brainstorming Round
BU Pizza and Pitch Highlights Video
Times Free Press - 9/14/2012