Design Project in Biomedical Engineering
Project Sponsor and Advisor: Dr James Galagan
'A Systems Biology Approach to Tuberculosis'
Developed and automated software in Java to implement a machine learning approach to computationally label operon structures across the M.tuberculosis genome, using a variety of available RNA-Seq expression and genomic data
Knowing the functional elements of a bacterial genome, or “operons”, opens up the door to better drug development
Poster presented at 25th Annual BU Biomedical Engineering Design Conference
Poster presented at 18th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2010, Boston)
Industrial Research Fellowship
Project Sponsor and Advisor: Dr. Maxim Frank-Kamenetskii
Project involved development of a novel approach (DNA diagnostic) to screening for the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)
Mentored a high school student participating in Boston University's Research Internship in Science and Engineering Program.
Supported by the Industrial Research Fellowship Program.
Poster presentation: "Optimization of Conditions for PNA/DNA Complex Preservation"
This laboratory center is affiliated with Boston University's Department of Biomedical Engineering.