Design Project in Biomedical Engineering

Project Sponsor and Advisor: Dr James Galagan

  • 'A Systems Biology Approach to Tuberculosis'

  • Developed and automated software in Java to implement a machine learning approach to computationally label operon structures across the M.tuberculosis genome, using a variety of available RNA-Seq expression and genomic data

  • Knowing the functional elements of a bacterial genome, or “operons”, opens up the door to better drug development

  • Poster presented at 25th Annual BU Biomedical Engineering Design Conference

  • Poster presented at 18th Annual International Conference on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology (ISMB 2010, Boston)

Industrial Research Fellowship

Project Sponsor and Advisor: Dr. Maxim Frank-Kamenetskii

  • Project involved development of a novel approach (DNA diagnostic) to screening for the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV)

  • Mentored a high school student participating in Boston University's Research Internship in Science and Engineering Program.

  • Supported by the Industrial Research Fellowship Program.

  • Poster presentation: "Optimization of Conditions for PNA/DNA Complex Preservation"

  • This laboratory center is affiliated with Boston University's Department of Biomedical Engineering.