What's next?

I’ll expand on this post more soon - but the short of it is - lots of folk wonder what’s coming next in technology?

More specifically, which of the many popular (and currently) less popular) trends out there will actually be broadly adopted, have long-lasting impact in our lives and become foundations for the next emerging set of tech and daily behavior?

(see Michael Lewis’ book for more info on what I’m describing -


Well, here’s my current stance:

  • Humane Tech - http://humanetech.com/

  • Goes along with - http://www.nointerface.com/book/

  • Augmented Reality (by far - over VR) - see https://www.wired.com/story/mirrorworld-ar-next-big-tech-platform/

    • Example: compare the rapid adoption of Pokemon Go (and other Niantic Labs experiences) over adoption/growth of VR equipment (home based or retail), games and experiences

    • Compare hurdles to adoption to both (cost, ease of use, etc)

  • Decision support technology (yes, ML, AI, etc on some levels)

  • Reliable messaging, sharing platforms

  • Narrow (read: limited) functionality apps, focused on very specific personas (over broad audience apps)

  • Devices and sensors feeding all of the above