What Inspires Me

In no particular order, these are just some of stories, characters (artists, enterpreneurs, technologists, pioneers, independent thinkers, etc), efforts, communities, concepts — inspire me in various ways.

See the documentaries, films, books, blogs, and thought leadership by these folk, for the reasons why.

Steve Aoki - https://www.netflix.com/title/80118930

YC Community - https://www.ycombinator.com/

Sam Altman - http://blog.samaltman.com/

Alexis Ohanian - https://alexisohanian.com/

DayBreakers - https://www.daybreaker.com/

Humane Tech - http://humanetech.com/

Ayr Muir - https://www.cloverfoodlab.com/about/

Dale Carnegie

Richard Branson

JK Rowling

My family and friends of course :)

What and who inspires you?